Hosting the creative spirit and acoustic music since 2005…

North Hills has the coolest gathering place for live music UNDER THE STARS. Nestled in the heart of the San Fernando Valley is the Stardust House Concerts series, complete with a guitar-shaped fire pit in the middle of the stage! Admission is by donation, and all proceeds go to the performers.

A house concert s a music concert performed inside or outside a private home in front of an intimate audience. And there is a POTLUCK dessert, drink and snack bar shared by all. Stardust Concerts came about in 2005 as a work of love for the musical arts when finding a quality non “pay-to-play” venue to perform in Los Angeles became virtually impossible. Come join the artistry and the community of local and world artists.

Doors open at 6:15 P.M. Start times are at 7:00 P.M. sharp.
PLEASE RSVP TO: stardustconcerts@gmail.com
An email will be sent to you with the address and directions.

Please note: “Stardust House Concerts” is simply the name we choose to describe our private parties, in our private home. These parties are NOT a business nor are they a business-related activity. They are strictly a hobby for us and are simply gatherings of our friends and guests to enjoy live acoustic music, fellowship, food (a potluck dessert buffet), and fun. Our concert gatherings are officially free (or else it might be considered a business), although voluntary contributions (suggested donation of $20 per person) are accepted at the party on behalf of the artists. 100% of all contributions go directly to the performers. By invitation only.